
“We love your house, it’s like visiting an old friend. This is our 3rd. year here, and plan on many more…”
G & J    -Philly, PA.

“We came for 2 nights last month -some friends of ours had rented it for two weeks. What a lovely old home! We stayed in a B&B in Cape May last year but much prefer your home to anything we’ve ever seen in Cape May, so for next summer we’re trying to gather another couple [or two] to split the house for a week on our own!”
C & S   -NY, NY

“This house is like visiting an old friend. The family pictures going up main stairwell  — all three floors, tell the story, actually many many stories, of family fun at the shore from early in last century to last summer! It’s like Norman Rockwell incarnate!”
R & W  , Cleavland, OH

“We got some fresh lobsters from the Lobster House Market [is that place cool or what?!?] and had 12 friends around the big dining room table eating lobster, corn on the cob and a salad big enough for an army! It was one of the most fun nights of my life!”
B & M  Baltimore, MD